Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Creeping Charlie

Sooooooo, Mr. Jackass from my last firm has been stalking me. He watches my linked-in page at least once a week. He is the one who booted me from the firm. What in the world could be his motivation to check out my professional page at all? But regularly? Creepy. Get a life, dude.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sticky Wicket: A contract of adhesion...

So Big flabby law did some lay-offs and I got the boot. As if to affirm their Big Law douche-like nature, they offered me a severance only if I agreed to sign a contract. A hilarious contract. A simple "I agree not to sue you" would have been fine. Non-disclosure, confidentiality, blah blah blah. I would have signed that. But not this. They wanted me so sign away all my rights to any recovery from someone else's lawsuit! They of course, specifically denied any wrong-doing but objected when I did the same. I could go on... The terms were so one-sided, so full of bullying tactics and threats that I laughed out loud on the first read through. This is the kind of paperwork a nationally known firm gives to its own (former) employees? Such a hostile document seemed odd in circumstances where no discussion of fault or cause were mentioned.

Also the fact that they do layoffs with no notice purposely adds additional pressure to signing the document. Don't sign, no severance. Assholes.

I didn't sign.

I may have been a cog in the machine for a year and a half but I walk away away without bowing to the Boies, Schiller bullshit.