Monday, October 15, 2012

Yes, it goes to 11

11 things I have learned in Texas
1. Pardon the fashion sense of every female on Rock of Love but women in Texas do NOT wear cowboy hats. Straw or otherwise.
2. Gas in Texas is cheap. Jersey cheap. Better then Jersey cheap but you have to pump it yourself.
3. A hot day in Texas is over 105
4. A cold day in Texas is below 85
5. Everybody here keeps their cars suspiciously sparkling clean.
6. The Speed limits on most Texas highways is 80, some even 85. May have something to do with #5. Passing cars are a blur.
7. Even Democrats carry guns here
8. Armadillos are not nice
9. nobody recycles
10. Drinking is the National pastime. Big Drinking. Like regular adults (with children) regularly do shots. Like coffee after a meal.

11. Texans are very touchy/Feelie. You will not get out of a bar, coffee shop or even library without someone putting their hands on you. It can be disconcerting. Every neighbor on the street touches your forearm or your back. Office mates touch your shoulders. Its all in a nice way but the personal space thing is not a Texas concept.